Guernika is an animated short movie divided into three parts. It tells the genesis of the painting by Pablo Picasso. In the first part, the story is focused on the artist, who learns about the bombing of the Basque city through the newspapers. In the second part, instead, the focus is on the act of processing and sublimating the pain in order to turn it into mental images with strong artistic connotations. The last part of the short sees the artist-creator finally producing the actual work. This is the moment when sublimation and catharsis are completed, and the movie ends with Picasso going back to be a man, while the painting's destiny is to become a global icon against all wars.
The video is a collaboration of the following team:
Direction, writing, art direction and illustrations: Manuelle Z. Mureddu
Writing, animation and editing: Michela Anedda
Illustrations: Luca Tuveri
Music and sound: Simone Mura