22 July 1992 - Newspapers Artworks by Le Corbusier and Dalí about Spanish Civil War will accompany Guernica at CARS
26 June 1992 - Newspapers Solé Tura doesn't back down over public opinion and Guernica is due to leave the Casón del Buen Retiro
7 July 1992 - Newspapers Even Calvo Serraller accuses Solé Turá: the transfer is a serious imprudence and a political manipulation to conceal a bad management of the Reina Sofía
15 July 1992 - Newspapers Scores of police officers and security forces will intervene in the transfer of «Guernica»
14 June 1997 - Newspapers A proposal by the PNV (Basque Nationalist Party) in Congress reopens the controversy over the transfer of «Guernica»