3 April 1939 - Minutes Minutes from a meeting of the Executive Committee of the Spanish Intellectual Aid, dated 3 April 1939
Copenhagen, 31 October 1956 - Institutional correspondence Lars Rostrup Boyesen's letter to Pablo Picasso
Copenhagen, 31 October 1956 - Institutional correspondence Lars Rostrup Boyesen's letter to Daniel-Henry Kahnweiler
Copenhagen, 31 October 1956 - Institutional correspondence Lars Rostrup Boyesen's letter to the Museum of Modern Art, New York
London, 31 May 2009 - Photograph A group of tourists strike a pose in front of a replica of Guernica during the event "A Taste of Spain"
24 March 1939 - Minutes Minutes from the meeting of the Executive Committee of the Spanish Intellectual Aid Association, dated 24 March 1939
30 March 1939 - Minutes Minutes from a meeting of the Executive Committee of the Spanish Intellectual Aid Association, dated 30 March 1939