Madrid, January 1982 - Leaflet Didactic leaflet Sección de Arte Siglo XIX, Legado Picasso, Guernica, made by Gabinete Didáctico
Madrid, May to June 1982 - Conferences and articles Lectures on the 19th century and Guernica given as part of the Missions of Art programme held at the Museo Nacional del Prado from May to June 1982
Madrid, January 1986 - Monographs Didactic Guide on Spanish Painting in the Museo del Prado, developed by the Education Office
Madrid, 17 February 1986 - Institutional correspondence Letter from Justino Azcárate to Carmen Crespo
Madrid, 15 March 1986 - Institutional correspondence Letter from Alfonso E. Pérez Sánchez to Dionisio Hernández Gil