Flushing, New York, 23 May 1939 - Institutional correspondence Simon Guggenheim's and Dana C. Backus's form letter to ask for donations
1945 - Internal museum documents Alfred H. Barr Jr.'s notes for the screenplay of the film Guernica by Robert Flaherty
Chicago, 12 October 1939 - Institutional correspondence Alice Roullier's letter to Evelyn Ahrend, dated 12 October 1939
2 May 1939 - Internal institutional documents A draft text for the invitation to the exhibition Picasso's Guernica at the Valentine Gallery, New York
1939 - Institutional correspondence Acceptance letters from Alfred H. Barr Jr., Aleksina Matisse, Georgia O'Keefe and Sidney Janis to Caspar Whitney
New York, 1939 - Photograph Juan Negrín at the opening of the exhibition Picasso’s Guernica, at the Valentine Gallery