20 May 1980 - News programme The exhibition Pablo Picasso: A Retrospective featured on the CBS news broadcast
20 May 1980 - News programme The exhibition Pablo Picasso: A Retrospective featured on the ABC news broadcast
1980 - News programme The exhibition Pablo Picasso: A Retrospective featured on the CBS news broadcast
9 September 1981 - News programme A news broadcast shown on the US channel NBC, reporting on the transfer of Guernica to Spain, dated 9 September 1981
10 September 1981 - News programme A news broadcast shown on the US channel ABC, reporting on the transfer of Guernica to Spain
23 October 1981 - News programme A news broadcast shown on the US channel NBC, reporting on the transfer of Guernica to Spain, dated 23 October 1981
The New York Times, New York, November 25, 1969, 16 - Transcription “Transcript of an Interview with a Vietnam War Veteran on His Role in the Alleged Massacre of Civilians at Songmy”
News programme The Spring Mobilization Committee to End the War in Vietnam: mass demonstrations in New York and San Francisco on April 15, 1967
Report, 2003 - News programme “El tapiz de Guernica oculto con una cortina azul en la ONU” (Covering of the tapestry Version of Guernica at the UN)
Report, La Sexta Noticias, January 21, 2016 - News programme “Declarados culpables de fiasco económico los gestores de la ‘Bienal de arte’ de Sevilla” (The managers of the Art Biennial of Seville found guilty of a “financial fiasco”)
La 2, Radio Televisión Española (RTVE), October 26, 2006 - News programme TVE 2 Noticias reports on the action BIACS no. Arte todos los días (No BIACS. Art Every Day) by the Plataforma de Reflexión sobre Políticas Culturales (Platform of Reflection on Cultural Policies, PRPC)