New York, 20 July 1979 - Press release and communication A communiqué from the Museum of Modern Art, New York, about moving Guernica
New York, 30 August 1979 - Institutional correspondence A letter from Ethen Shein to Richard E. Oldenburg
New York, 13 August 1979 - Institutional correspondence Rona K. Roob's letter to Carleton Sprague Smith
Basauri, 20 December 1979 - Institutional correspondence A telegram from the Etxebarri Town Council to the Ministry of Culture
Madrid, 11 December 1979 - Institutional correspondence Marcelino Oreja's letter to Manuel Clavero Arévalo
Barcelona, 14 September 1979 - Internal institutional documents Transcript of the agreement approved by the Municipal Standing Committee
Buenos Aires, 28 November 1979 - Institutional correspondence Rafael Fernández Quintanilla's letter to José Joaquín Puig de la Bellacasa
Paris, 13 November 1979 - Institutional correspondence A letter from Roland Dumas to Rafael Fernández Quintanilla
Madrid, 19 October 1979 - Institutional correspondence Javier Tusell's letter to Horacio Sáenz Guerrero
Buenos Aires, 17 September 1979 - Institutional correspondence Rafael Fernández Quintanilla's letter to Javier Tusell, dated 17 September 1979
Montecarlo, 24 August 1979 - Institutional correspondence Letter from Douglas Cooper to Evelio Verdera
Paris, 2 November 1979 - Personal correspondence A copy of a letter Claude Picasso wrote to William Rubin, director of Painting and Sculpture at MoMA
New York, 22 February 1979 - Institutional correspondence Michael Blackwood's letter to Louise Kreisberg
Siracusa, New York, 15 July 1979 - Institutional correspondence Ellen Oppler's letter to Luisa Kreisberg